Valou : Erasmus en Suede

Location: Linkoping, Sweden

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Vendredi 30 Mars


Aujourd'hui , Body pump et ensuite BBQ a Ryd, ces Suédois ils sont pas croyables!!
Des qu'il y a un rayon de soleil, ils font tomber les pantalons et pulls!!! Mais il faut se méfier hein Basia!!!
En parlant de Basia, elle a eu son stage à Stockholm C-O-N-G-R-A-T-U-L-A-T-I-O-N!!!!!!!

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Jeudi 29 Mars


Ce matin levé au aurore car exam a 8 heure ( de toute facon ct pas dur vu kil fait jour depuis 6 heure du mat). J'arrive concentrée et ....... voila je découvre les questions!!! Bon je suis pas surprise, les 2 premieres je m'y attendais , la troisieme un peu moins et enfin la derniere je m'en suis sortie, merci Nina, grace a toi j'ai revu mes notes sur European Identity.
Maintenant il n'y a plus qu'a attendre!!!!!

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Mercredi 28 Mars


Ce matin je suis allée rejoindre les filles sur le campus, pour échanger les notes et faire un topos sur les révisions.
Puis l'aprés midi ben ....... j'ai arrété car j'en pouvais plus!!!

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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Nina B-Day

B-Day cake made by Basia ( she was as nervous as if she had operating a human being)

Arthur, Basia and Nina

Nina (Yes! i'm 25)

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Nina B-day

Peer from last year, Anja, Juan and Basia

Hafsa (look suprised), me and Marlene

Me, Marlene and Juan (bo gosses)

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Nina B-Day

Me and Basia

Hafsa and Marlene

Pasha, Kristin and Natalia

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Samedi 24,Dimanche 25,Lundi 26 et Mardi 27 Mars


Puisque l'exam pointe le bout de son nez la semaine prochaine, je passe mon temps entre révisons (exercices mentales ) et sport (exercices physiques). Il y a une telle somme de truc a savoir c'est un truc de ouf. Mais bon si je veux me rattraper il n'y a pas de miracle

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Saturday, March 24, 2007

Vendredi 23 Mars

Ce matin je me suis mise a la lecture de 8 articles , pour l'exam , j'ai changer d'attitudes, cette pseudo proff elle va voir ce kel va voir.
Vu que j'ai pérfectioné ma lecture en diagonale , ca a été plus vite que ce ke je pensais.
Aprés déjeuner je suis allé au cour de Body pump, ensuite je suis allé chez Basia, pour l'aider a preparer l'anniversaire de Nina. Elle a préparer un gateau d'anniv comme on voit dans les films, tout recouvert, trop beau . Mais j'avais interdiction d'y toucher ou de m'en approcher vu ce kil m'arrive dans les cuisines, j'ai encore réussie a me blesser avec un couteau!!
On n'a preparer des brochettes, raisin et fromages, des canapés, des rondelles de courgettes avec fétas grillée au four, et mon fameux guacamole maison. Arrosé de punch , c'est parti mon kiki!!!

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Jeudi 22 Mars

Aujourd'hui cette proff ou je devrais plutot dire PHD de malheur a rendu les copies, un truc de ouf, pleins de C, kelkes bonnes notes, comme toujours Mathias a eu un A , il connait le system sois disant lol
Bref j'étais super énervée aprés le cours, mais peut etre pas autant que Alexander, j'ai cru kil allait péter un cable MDR
Je suis allée me défoulé au Yoga et a Body pump!!

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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Mercredi 21 Mars


This morning , i worked a bit and fininshed the reading and taking notes phase.
In the afternoon , went to Campushallen for my Yoga and body pump class, however i was not in the mood this time. I think i'm fed up now!

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Mardi 20 Mars


This morning class , with JJ , that's it my motivation is gone , this class is boring, so as the teacher and it appears, all the spring semester. Hopefully my friends are here, we try to face but somedays are harder than others!
In the afternoon , campushallen again , i miss body pump again but this time it's my fault, i did not check the timetable. Instead i went to Basia and gave her the Gilmore girls episode, she cooked a marvelous crumble/pie with banana, chocolate and muesli
Elle est fortiche cette Basia

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Lundi 19 Mars

This morning went to the bank because it appears, i forgot to pay the internet last month OUPS
Then in the afternoon , went to my daily Campushallen trip , unfortunately, Body pump was cancelled because the teacher was sick. Nevertheless i went to train !

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Sunday, March 18, 2007

jeudi 15, Vendredi 16, Samedi 17 et Dimanche 18 Mars


Now i'm going to Campushallen everyday, i almost know the body pump moves and choregraphy by heart. At the same time , i try to get along with the reading.
I wanted to go the kravall ,but without ticket it's kind of difficult , next time , i'll be there on time

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Thursday, March 15, 2007

Mercredi 14 Mars


This morning seminar about European institutions, by groups of 5. The questions were interesting, and could have helped us to do the homework, if only the teacher had organized the seminar, let's say one week ago!
After the seminar, in the afternoon , i went to Yoga class in campushallen then body pump with Masha.
In the evening i called a journalist from a french radio , who maybe will help me to get an internship who knows .....

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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Mardi 13 Mars

This morning, there was the last course before handin in the paper, i decided to go , like 15 students out of 30! But after an hour it was too much for me and i went back home to finish the paper.
At 3H15 Masha and I went to Pilates in campushallen then straight to body pump , at the end i was a bit .... you know TIRED but happy about the workout.

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ps: i got B in international law, tack mikael!

Lundi 12 Mars

This morning went to campushallen to train , guess who i saw, again, alexander with no hair!!
Then i went a bit to the library to work on the paper but i was not that motivated so i went back home.
A little while after, Masha called me to go to campushallen again, there was body pump, so we went together it was really fun , but at the end of the day you discover new muscles LOL

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Monday, March 12, 2007

Samedi 10 Mars et Dimanche 11 Mars


Today laundry, groceries at hemkop, and power yoga bas. Sunday my muscles were so sour i could not even raise my arm to get dress!!!!

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Sunday, March 11, 2007

Basia B-day 2

The group

Basia's Birthday cake, with Masha

Juan and Me

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Basia's B-DAY

Look at this Swedish cake, too bad it was frozen

Richy, Basia and Nina

Xie Hao, Marlene, Pavlo and Palo

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Saturday, March 10, 2007

Vendredi 9 mars

This morning print out some article, boring you cannot imagine, anyway, after that i went to campus hallen and trainned on the machine , it was great , i like this place. I met someone , there n unfornunately not my dream guy but the greek fr......

At night koridor party at richard's, and He was there , i was glad , i talked to him quite a while , the thing is that this bitchy girl just kept grabbing him (and all the guy there)
GRRRRRR i have this kind of bitchy/drunk girl.

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Jeudi 8 Mars

This morning , i was supposed to go to class , but i felt definitely not good , not suprising with all the virus running around
That's it

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Mercredi 7 Mars


Read a bit, then in the afternoon went to Basia , to celebrate her 'real birthday' with this greenish/creamy swedish cake. Anja and Sabrina were there as well

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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Mardi 6 Mars

Today , class at 10 with a PHD Student, i had so much hope in her .....
Well it appears that she is confused and confusing, she is just focusing on details, but i think reading prior to the class must be the answer ?
After class, i went to the city center to find the perfect gift for Basia , a photo frame "linkoping universitet 2007" and a signed t-shirt with everyone signature!!
At 9 i went by Basia's and Nina's , there was a buffet/B-Day party , so nice , Richard came with his brother Caleb ? We took pictures, danced .... around 10 we went to HG , to celebrate.
We even danced (thanks marlene for the robot/90's dance) even though the music was a bit , you know ..... and i even met this guy , i like , but it appears , i'm not the only one on the spot!!!

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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Lundi 5 Mars


I did not sleep well , as a result i'm tired , so i eat breakfast then went straigh back to bed.
Then at 1 , i went to class with Gooch teaching, once again the class was bull.... look at me look at me, i'm travelling all the time and bla bla bla bla
At the end nothing he said was relevant to understand EU integration theory!!!
After i went to the library to work a bit on the book , then at 5 i went to Swedish class.
so difficult it's like she was speaking in chinese so weirds , and my dream guy was not there !!!!

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Dimanche 4 Mars

Just chilling , Basia went by at night

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Sunday, March 04, 2007

My inspiration

The lovers by Magritte
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My nex room in Ryds Allé 2

The Masterpiece : The son of man

My bathroom sunshine

A star is born

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My new room is Ryds Allé

Magritte watch out for me

Let's have some tea , would you ?

Desk, bookshelfs, the minimum required to survive at LIU!

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Linkoping Forest

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Samedi 3 Mars


This morning from 10H30 to 2H00 , i went to the library , since the guy next to my room decided to put the music on at 9 in the morning , and even at 3 in the morning .Why am i always in that kind of situation ????
Anyway, after that i went home , watched the world championship in Japan , and worked a bit on the books.
At night i went to Anja, there was a koridor party , it was nice , exept for the fact that a lots were sick ,i mean really sick , you could see it !!! I hope i did not catch anything LOL

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Saturday, March 03, 2007

Vendredi 2 Mars

This morning , reading at the Library , those .... books , they are driving me crazy , after a while i do not even read correctly !!
Anyway , after i spend sometime in my koridor , and at night went at Anja's for a pop corn/ movie night !!
We watched , Smonkin aces, a kind of Gangster/Comedy/Drama movie about a mob who has a contract on hos head , and every one wants to kill him , including RAMMSTEIN ???

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Thursday, March 01, 2007

Jeudi 1er Mars

First day of March and first day in my new koridor in Ryds allé , what an adventure
This morning , Basia went by to help me carry my stuff (quite a lot) then i put half of it in the koridor and went back to take the last stuff. After , Basia went downtown , and i went to Studenbostader to give back the keys and get the new ones. The thing is that i forgot my ID and the contract , in my bags , in the koridor , which i did not had the key yet , and was empty. The lady at studenbostader does not want to help me , and told me to wait for someone to come over , and if no one comes until 5 PM i will have to take the key tomorrow ??????

Anyway i went back and hopefully someone was there , everything went fine , i unpacked my bags , went to Hemkop, ate lunch (a bit late) then Anja called me , she decided to buy the Microwave, thank you so much Anja!!!! You won't regret it , this microwave is perfect, too good for my old koridor LOL

Now i'm a bit tired , but tomorrow i have to go back to studenbostader , since i figure out that i forgot some stuff in my room , and that my new room miss one door !!!

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